Registration No: 12220217408
The Alumni Association of Govt. NCJ College is a vibrant body which gives an excellent opportunity to old students and the College to be in contact with each other. The objective of the Association is to keep track of old students and provide them with a forum wherein they can share experiences of their professional and personal lives. Govt. NCJ College is a family and when students leave the college and step out into the world, they continue to be the members of this family. The Association ensures that this extended family always remains together in spirit.
- To foster and strengthen bonds with the College and have continued concern for its welfare.
- To promote the aims and ideals of the institution as spelled out in College prospectus and other relevant publications.
- To extend support towards scholarship, academic excellence and collaborative projects of the College.
- To partner up with student life and design opportunities for students in training and placements
- To initiate scientific, professional, social and cultural programmes for the College thus improving its public image.
- To participate actively in Human Resource Development activities.
- To communicate with the authorities of the College on matters of mutual interest.
- To devise ways and means to fund the activities of Alumni.
- To generate a Brain Bank of the professionals from among its members and provide services for the benefit of the Alumni and the society.
Office Bearers
Principal, Govt. NCJ College: President (Ex-Officio)
Shri Kuldeep Singh: President
Shri Pradeep Kumar: Vice –President
Shri Dharmendra Singh: Vice-President (Teaching staff)
Shri Ravi Jaiswal: Secretary
Shri Aman Jaggi: Treasurer
Shri Deepak Ahuja.
Shri Manmohan Sharma
Shri Badal Gupta
Shri Rajesh Udasi
Shri Vishal Motwani
Shri Harish Sahni