The NSS Unit of Govt NCJ College organized Tree Plantation programme “MY EARTH – MY DUTY” in the college premises. The Programme was inaugurated by Dr. Santosh Singh, Principal. It was attended by HODs, Faculty members, NSS committee members and more than 100 student volunteers. Principal Dr. Santosh Singh addressed the gathering by highlighting the need & significance of NSS activities, combined participation of student & faculty in Social Service to build a better society where they understand themselves in relation to their community.followed by an expert lecture on the wake of rising concern about continuous environmental degradation and its adverse impact on entire human kind.
Under the said programme, NSS volunteers planted 200 saplings of different varieties viz ornamental, shadowing and fruit bearing trees .The students also placed bricks as barricades and each student took the responsibility to nourish and maintain the allocated plant. Eventually, the ground attained a glorious look. The committee decided to proceed with the same inspiration, enthusiasm and zeal to enhance the beauty of the college campus.